
Your Baby:

When I cry, respond to me as soon as possible: it helps me feel good when you do this.

Although you put me on my back to sleep, it's important to put me on my tummy three to four times during the day so that my arm and shoulder muscles become strong.

I need your help to comfort me. As I grow, I'll learn to calm myself when I fall asleep or need comforting.

Talk or sing to me when you change my diaper or hold me. Be sure to show me pictures in books as soon as I'm ready.

Sometimes I have had bad days because I don't know how to tell you what I need. Please help me feel better. Let me know when I do things right, and be gentle when I make mistakes.

As I get older, I become curious and learn about things by touching, holding, and mouthing everything I see.

If I lose my temper, I'm not being bad. I may need to help to calm down.


Parents As Teachers:

You cannot spoil a new baby. Studies show that when a baby's cries are answered soon in the early months of life, there will be less crying in later months of the first year.

Doctors say that normal full-term infants should be placed on their side or back for sleep. Studies show that this helps prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome(SIDS).

When your baby sucks her fingers, it makes her feel good. In this way, she learns to comfort herself. Between three and six months of age, most babies sleep through the night and breast feed or bottle feed just during the day.

Young babies benefit from parents talking, singing and reading to them. Make the sounds that he makes and talk to him about what he is seeing, hearing and doing. Babies 5-6 months of age like stiff-paged books to see the pictures and move the pages back and forth.

The feelings and attitudes that a child has about himself begin very early in life. Discipline means teaching the difference between right and wrong. Smiling and showing happiness when your child behaves well is a great way to teach what is right.

It is normal for babies to put things in their mouths to explore. It doesn't always mean they're hungry. It is also a time when parents must closely watch to make sure they are safe.

Temper tantrums are your child's way of saying she is frustrated, out of control, and unable to explain how she feels. She may also be tired, hungry or need a hug.